
Service above Self, servicing communities, encouraging high standards, building goodwill and peace

picture of rotary volunteers in turkey dinner drive
Food for Thanksgiving Meals collected and donated to Rainbow Kitchen


It is our goal to provide humanitarian service for local and international communities. There are many projects through which we make this possible. However, we are always looking for new ideas and welcome connecting to more members of our community to broaden this scope of service. Learn more

women at rotary wine dinner fundraiser
Rotary Uncorked – An enjoyable evening of fellowship and good wine and food!


Events are open to the general public and for all to enjoy. At the same time, we are raising funds that we can then provide for projects and services in the community. Would you like to participate in supporting good causes? . . . then come and join us! Learn More

Your support means the world to us! Thanks to all of our supporters and golfers for continuing to make our annual spring Churchill-Wilkins Rotary Golf Outing (honoring Past President Emeritus, Bruce T. Sapp) a success! Each year we enjoy the comradery while raising funds for the community!

We are looking forward to seeing you again this fall at our Rotary Uncorked Wine Dinner fundraiser. Come and join us for great food, wine, fellowship, and entertainment. More information and donation options can be found on the events page . Wish to donate online? Click here.



Want to be a part of something good? We are always welcoming new members and would be happy for you to join us! Learn More

You can help us help others . .

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Bruce Sapp Churchill Wilkins Rotary Scholarship Donations